Today my youngest son turns one. It has been a long year and I can not believe it has ONLY been a year. Now if only he would sleep through the night and until 7 or 8 in the morning and get off the bottles we will be fine! LOL
Him and his brothers' birthday are soo close together. Now the holidays are just around the corner and I am soo not ready for them! My boys are amazing and growing everyday but it seems that their list of wants gets longer too! LOL
I am thinking about creating a list that the boys change once a month. Obviously you would have to be able to talk or write for this so the baby would not be involved yet. But this list could be revisited each month ( and after birthdays ) to see what they really want ( maybe a top 5) and what other things that they want.
Then send the lists to family who are buying for the kiddos. The one thing that bothers me is when family/friends do not want to follow the list. Granted if you find something of better quality or something - then by all means go ahead. Then you have these family members that buy something from the list but say -oh hey, we are keeping it at our house for when the kids come over here...... PLEASE tell me I am not the only one who has this problem!
I was very scared that because there was such a gap in their ages that they would not develop the bond that they have. They are 6 years apart and I am so proud of them. My oldest tries very hard to be such a great big brother and he shines when he does something with him. It is great! I am glad that I did not have them closer together. Sometimes it becomes very difficult to be able to raise these boys like this. Between my 7 year olds homework and learning chores to when he gets in trouble his little brother laughs at him and says "bad" and I can nto help but laugh. I know it will get easier with them and I need to enjoy these times now as they happen.
What about your kids? I have friends that have kids back to back. I am talking 11-15 months apart. That would drive me insane! I do not know how they are able to keep up with that! I am very happy for those ladies and gentlemen who can do that though!
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